

It has been another hell of a year. Since it is no fun to go into the “did not think it could get harder” trope, I will not do that. The idea that the hard bits are an interlude is an idea that is wrong. If you live a responsible adult’s life, there will always be tough parts to it as the norm. The trick is in finding the most optimal way to deal with it and still, somehow, find the time and means to do the truly spectacular things. And this is something that everyone goes through, just that some make it look really really easy.

The tens of thousands of words written about living in the moment (and for the less disciplined, the day) and not looking too far ahead is made as quite an emphatic point when it is forced down your throat. Life changes in a rather dramatic fashion when the point is made, again and again, that you control very little of it and even the little control that you seemed to have is mostly a trick of your own mind.

I have gone from “living the moment” on a whimsical trip to the mountains that I undertook while being answerable to nobody and nothing to “living the moment” for the next 10-minutes. Because, that is all the time I will get to spare today while a pile of things stack up and a good chunk of them do not work out. This makes for wonderful writing when you have the luxury to sit back and elaborate on it when things are OK, but it makes for some really hard living when you are battling a stream of things that continually go wrong.

On the other hand, you can trace a direct line for all that to my insistence on not settling for less than what I think is ideal. At every stage, where I have chosen otherwise, it has been a disaster and once you choose this path, you have to grind on through a lot of rock before you hit that speck of precious you have been looking for. Naturally, the question arises — is it worth all that effort? If I am honest, I must say that on bad days, it feels terrible. You feel like such an idiot for ploughing what is often a lone furrow, while others seem to have it easy. On all the other days, it feels like the only right choice that is there.

A superstition that I seem to have acquired along the way is that if I publicly acknowledge something good, something terrible happens to it immediately. Logically, I know, that is not the case. Both good and bad things happen to everyone all the time, but we tend to remember the bad things more and what can be considered probable cause. The things will happen anyway, whether you wrote about it or you wore the unlucky yellow shirt is just your way of finding a way of apportioning blame or a simplistic explanation.

On an unrelated note, after getting a bit too battered with events in the past few years, this year, I started therapy. It was a trying experience initially. But, over time, it helped me manage a lot of my anxiety and my incessant guilt tripping. It did open up a lot of other fronts, because, after all, a successful process will end up making you feel more and also make you feel a lot more vulnerable. Overall, I am glad I signed up and it has been easily one of the best accomplishments of this year.

Did I say earlier that life has been terribly hellbent on making me live the moment? That is what is there to be said about the coming year. There are so many things that I want to do, but all that is happening for the foreseeable future is holding ground and putting together little pieces, one at a time, without getting too invested into what the puzzle will finally reveal, if it reveals at all, that is. We still do not know what will happen in the months to come. We have never known what will happen in the months to come.

Living that knowledge is the biggest thing for the 2017.

You have a great 2018.



In a couple of years, I will turn 40. Which is a strange age to be at as people don’t tell guys much about turning 40. There is a wealth of literature out there for women as it also happens to be the age around which a lot of physiological changes start or are about to start that are irreversible. In general, it is a far more difficult time for women (which is true in any case, the age notwithstanding) than it is for men. 

The twenties for me was mostly a blur, a decade of constant chaos and persistently being on the edge and little leeway in terms of opinions I held and even less leeway in terms of accommodating opinions others held. I really don’t remember much of what it was like being 25 or 28. Lots happened, which does not help and I was drawn to chaos, like a moth to a flame. Come to think of it, it is easier to remember the time because of the year than the age.

The thirties have been a different ballgame. From the slowdown the body starts exhibiting in the early part of it, to the active management you’ll need in the second half, your body makes you much more aware of how much of work goes into keeping the bag of cells, liquid and energy on the road. There are people who are at their peak in this age group, but it does not happen on its own and they really do earn their keep with it.

One interesting thing I do notice is also how I perceive death and mortality. Earlier, my thought on dying used to be one of relief. I do not know what would happen after that, but least I know that I won’t have to deal with a thousand things that I really dislike about daily living after that. Now there is a bit of thought about how my loved ones will be taken care of, how to provide for them etc. Then it comes back around to recognizing there is not a lot I can do about all such things and try to live as a better person.

The other aspect that I seem to have come around to is not being able to live a regular 9-5 working life. I had experimented with it for over a year and it is soul-crushing. The commute, the politics, the culture built around hoarding knowledge and talking people down — are things I can manage well at all anymore. Being able to make time for myself is a critical centering mechanism for me and going months without having time for it is really difficult.

That said, it is not easy to make a good living without being part of that circle as work and working environments that value and respect another person’s time and presence and their skills exist in places that are not around a lot and it takes a lot of looking around before you can even find some of them. 

The last big change is more related to the times we live in. The world itself seems to be in a mad race to try and work itself into a fit of rage and anger. The overwhelming liberal bent that was there most of my lifetime seems to have replaced by one that is cowering in fear of a thousand things — some of it valid, some of it imagined. We are replacing evidence-based beliefs to affront-based ones that seem more inward-looking, closed and a far less friendly a place.

There is a certain helplessness that prevails as values that seemed to at least aim for something lofty, brave and noble all seem to have gone like dust in the wind. The world is being transformed right in front of our eyes, with tools that we never doubted could be put to such use. I fear my old age will see this cycle peak and destroy and transform pretty much all that I value. I do not particularly cherish the thought.


One Year

A-year-ago, on April 10th 2016, we lost our son. He did not even have a chance to see any of the world that we were so eager to share with him. It still feels very odd writing this down as he was, till his last moment, as complete and as real as a human being could ever be and yet there was very little that we ever really got to see of him. The 12-months that followed has been extremely trying, beset by various health issues, an ongoing battle with cancer in the family and challenges related to work and other things.

The loss of your child cannot be expressed in words; or by any other means. I do not know how do people ever come to live with it. We have struggled our way through it and often times it has been extremely hopeless. It is similar to trying to heal a hurt somewhere inside of you that you cannot reach. All words of comfort and all sorts of logic eventually fails at the simple point that we lost him and there is absolutely nothing in this world that will bring him back.

I have been through so many battles in life and pulled myself out of them all, one way or the other. The scars from those battles always remain, but the dismemberment caused by it has been devastating. It has taken considerable effort for me to occasionally go beyond the fact that I failed him and that every thought — good or bad — must be ended with that thought as the only conclusion.

All these multiple brushes with mortality has left a crushing impact as I now know how real the loss can be. With all else that has gone on, including the cancer, my own life’s self-indulgence has been whittled down many a notch. There are days on end where life comes down to living just the current week, day or just the few hours of normalcy that it affords at a time. There is often no tomorrow as you do not know what it will bring and a lot of days it only serves to bring more frustration or bad news.

With age also doing its thing, it makes my own place in the world something I wonder about. At best, I am looking at another 20-years at the most of being able to make a significant contribution — that is if I am lucky enough to live and be functional for that long. The work I do from here-on has to amount to something more than just helping me earn a good living. It has to be meaningful and help people live better. It has to be something that I really believe in.

The last 12-months has left little of any belief standing. My own hubris regarding a multitude of things has been decimated because of everything that has happened. It is the greatest challenge to overcome as this is a fight that is for life itself. To live in fear is to experience a slow drowning of sorts. The first step is to be able to overcome at it as it is not life to live in fear that way.



I did not write the end-of-the-year note for 2016; which is what I normally do when a year comes to an end. 2016 was the straw that nearly broke the camel’s back. I have rarely been this out of touch with what is going on within; nor have I felt this lack of gratefulness for all the good that is there in life.

2016 was expected to be a year of big welcome changes, before it turned into a nightmare of a loss that hit really hard. Failing health of ones close soon followed. Meanwhile, volatility or chaos in nearly everything else continues to be a difficult shadow to dodge.

The lack of gratefulness hits particularly hard. On one hand, I am acutely aware of the privilege I have, while, on the other, the recent difficulties prompts various convoluted coping strategies to kick in and drains out all the appreciation for the privilege I have.

Somewhere along the way, I swapped the freedom, of knowing that it is only the present I have to count on, with the fear of a future peppered with more losses. How can the exact same thing turn around and evoke a totally different reaction compared to what was there earlier?

It is not a lack of awareness, strangely. In fact, it is more acute than ever. I can pinpoint the evolution of my coping strategies and how differently I react compared to my younger years. There is more resilience and responsible behaviour, but it provides scant relief from the unexpected episodes of gutting that happens ever so often.

There are so many other puzzling aspects too. For someone who used to be really comfortable hiding in a crowd, I am now really not able to handle crowded places, people and a lot of noise. Perhaps, it is that peace, quiet and silence are hard things to chase down these days for me.

The is also little urge left to charge at anything anymore. Both mind and matter feel weary. Familiarity pushes things on, but the plunge through the depths of an endless mourning continues. I am not sure if it is the darkness that is refusing to let go or if I am refusing to let go of the darkness.

Travel continues to save the day. We left behind a beautiful home to live out of a suitcase for a month. We met nobody that we knew in that period of time and felt the happiest we have been in recent times.

There is something deeply comforting about seeking asylum in the familiarity of strangers. 



If you are someone like me, who has read more about various cities in foreign countries than actually experiencing them in person, visiting some of them is often an interesting experience. As a rule, I seem to prefer European cities far more than American cities; or cities on any other continent. Even so, none of them had so far really made me fall in love with any of them.

That has changed with Vienna. The city had been on bucket list for nearly 20-years now. Even though I started summoning up the courage (that is a different story in itself for another day) only couple of years ago to travel abroad, Vienna always had a mythical status on that list. Having seen all but a small slice of the city and its people, I must say that I have fallen in love, without a hint of an apology to it.

For me, the pictures of places that I have not been to are always drawn from books. The same goes for Vienna. I don’t remember much about the books I had read to form the picture of this city steeped in art, history and culture, but the urge to visit it remained strong through the years. And having now seen the place for real, it ticks all the right boxes the imagination had cooked up.

Coming fresh out of the chaotic daily madness of Bangalore, Vienna was the right mix of urban and not too many crowded places. The people have a sense ease with their own history and culture that they are very secure in it. They are warm to the point of welcoming, but not intrusive beyond what you offer to show to them.

Admittedly, a tourist’s view of a city is always different than life as a resident of that city. Even so, of all the cities I have been to so far, Vienna is the one that I felt most comfortable with.


Saying Nothing

I have largely lost the urge to write much these days. I do question my ability to write much too. But the lack of a calling of sorts to commit to words experiences, thoughts and everything else that used to fill up this space means ability doesn’t even come into the picture.

As the world gets more social and sharing online becomes the default mode for most digitally-enabled people, I seem to take great comfort in having a wee bit more of privacy that accrues from not doing that anymore.

Maybe it is that I do not have that much of control over my time or interactions anymore in my daily life. Maybe it is that the last 12-months have been so tough that being able to sit and reflect itself has become a luxury of sorts. How can words express thoughts that have not yet formed?

I wish it were possible to do this without having to work hard at it. As I am growing older, I seem to prefer the company of far fewer people and even fewer conversions. For someone who used to love talking a lot to a handful of close friends, even that is tiring these days. I am perfectly OK not having my thoughts heard by a lot of people; especially those who do not know me personally.

Thoughts, they come and go. During these very hectic days, where I do have to interact a lot on the work front, the personal thoughts get little attention. Yet, not much changes in the world. The existence of the thoughts and their impact on the world around is fairly minimal. Hopefully, even after this hectic phase gets over I can hold on to that realization.



It is so meaningless; even when we have so many ways to measure it. We have seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, fortnights, months, years, decades, millennia. So little of it — months, years — have felt like amazing lifetimes. So much of it — months, years — have felt like nightmares that never ended.

The hours spent not being able to afford mourning a shattering loss as the threat of an even bigger one loomed large on the horizon. The seconds when the eyes open to the flicker of recognition. The enormity of that moment and of an unconditional love. Time is an eternity.

The medals turn into rusted metal. The titles turn into letters and sounds that bear no importance. Every moment is to be cherished like an eternity. Make every measure of time into a lifetime. Leave nothing to chance. Leave nothing unsaid. If another moment comes along, do it again. And again. And again.

And love like you have never loved before.

With everything that you have.

Without fear.

Without regret.

Without the fear — of not having enough time.


Off Twitter

I quit Facebook in 2010, if my memory serves me right. At some stage, I became tired of endlessly browsing through the lives of strangers or the lives of people I knew. I have never really missed it much ever since.

I started on Twitter in 2007, and had a lot of good times on it. But, in recent times, it had become a lot like Facebook for me. It would frustrate me and also often make me wonder what exactly was I doing on it.

As I close in gradually on the forties, I seem to prefer not being caught in a deluge of information. I still do want to know things, but I no longer like the real-time aspect of it. I like not having to check my phone at regular intervals.

And it is not that I don’t enjoy conversations or company. I like both; but in a slower and quieter fashion and with a very limited set of people. I still like doing a lot of different things in life and travelling a lot, but I don’t feel the urge to share it with anything other than a handful of people.

I took a hiatus from Twitter nearly two-months-ago, thinking it was going to be one of my regular breaks; something that lasts for a couple of days, or a week or two. It went on for far longer than that and I did not realize how much I did not miss being on Twitter.

What it means is that this is going to be a much longer break from the platform or even a goodbye. I am not sure what it is, but I will not spend much time analyzing it.


It Is Just The Wind

The answers mean precious little when you know that they won’t undo the loss that you are struggling to make your peace with. The finality of it all is so damning and draining. There is no higher authority — call it god or anything else you like, there is no court of appeal, and there is absolutely nothing that can undo it. It is just there; a gaping, growing hole; unmovable and gnawing away at your insides.

It has always been my fear that a life spent devoid of any personal loss would extract its pound of flesh in a manner that will leave the soul flayed and heart singed. The universe’s balance is one that cannot be controlled or escaped; but the tatters of our being left all around after the price was paid in full makes me wish there was another way. What this is, words cannot express. It cannot be shared.

After a certain age it is a fact that your life will have a lot of people past their prime. As the days drag on, the losses mount, casting its long, dreary shadows on even the best of the living. Fear takes the role of the guiding light. Every day, you brace. You stop cherishing the good in your life. You start fearing when will that bit of good you just felt also be taken away from you.

At its worst, you understand easily what you could not understand earlier — how can people give up so easily and let it all just disappear? At its worst, that is the easiest thing to do. Give into the darkness. Turn your back on hope. Draw the curtains. Hide from light. Take a knife. Go into a corner and keep stabbing away at your heart, for you hate the way it is making you hurt.

A child is such a finite expression of so much that is abstract about two people. You can measure it down to the last atom. And yet, what it represents is so not measurable. The loss of one is what none of what you have ever seen or read will compare remotely even. The guilt is an endless ocean you drown repeatedly in, every day. Even a billion drownings later, it cannot be overcome. It is that absolute.

You look for meanings in the signs and the symbols. The way the leaves unfurl. The movement of the wind. There must be some sign that explains this. Some presence that you can latch on to. Another’s loss is always lesser. Another’s gain or normalcy is an experience beyond painful. The entire world turns into a conspiracy to point out how you have failed.

The darkness is so easy to embrace. We just need to hold hands and let go of the earth. It is just so easy. It is so tempting. But, we will not sink. There is no destination that is will feel not feel empty ever. There is nothing we can do that will make us feel the way we did earlier. But we will not sink. We will stand and keep moving, even in this pitch darkness of light.

What you hear, is just the wind.



You left as quietly as you came, without making a sound.

You were the best of us.

You made us better than what we ever were.

You travelled the world with us.

Together, we watched the skies dance with magic.

We laughed together.

And we cried together.

The little that we had together is more than a lifetime.

But, no time is ever enough.

You will always be loved.

And you will always be missed.


You will never travel alone.